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I had the pleasure of experiencing James’ hypnosis techniques recently, on a course we both attended, working online over Zoom. He has a very warm, approachable manner and he is an excellent Hypnotherapist. He puts the well-being of his clients at the forefront of everything he does. As a Hypnotist myself, with many years’ experience, I would recommend him without hesitation, and I trust him implicitly. Book in with him, you will not regret your decision!


Eddy F. CHt, - United Kingdom


I just had the most amazing experience with my friend James who helped me through hypnotherapy release my negative energy, worry, fear, stress for those people who no longer deserve that place within me. He helped me strengthen myself from within. He gave me the tools I need to continue this path as a strong confident woman. The tools I need to continue to strengthen my two boys as they journey through life. I am incredibly grateful for James. I feel like a new person.

If you are struggling with letting go, stopping habits, releasing negative energy, please contact my friend James. He was incredible. I have a new vision! The pain is gone! The fear is gone! Thank you, James, for helping me today!


Brooklyn C. Bountiful, UT USA


After meeting with James to address my  concerns regarding my worries regarding buying my home, I was able to shift my  worries and thoughts and go through with the purchase with confidence.  Working with James, I was able to release my fears and now when they do pop up, I am able to calm myself and almost laugh at myself.  All of these changes happened in one session where I was guided in a process to relieve past trauma that was to core of the worry.. Thank you James for helping me move forward toward a brighter future free of unnecessary worry.


Melinda G. - Layton UT USA

Hi my name is Cheryl and I came to see James as a last resort for weight loss. I did lose some weight through this process but what I gained is so much more than that, it’s invaluable. Finally after 53 years food does not control me. I am the one who is in control and I get to decide what, where, when and how much I eat. I no longer use my body as a waste basket. Food is no longer my drug of choice. I was able to let go of the things in my past that were holding me back from achieving my dreams. I learned ways other than eating to manage the emotional turmoil I had been dealing with my entire life. I have a very clear vision of what I want to achieve in my life and exactly what I need to do to get there. I am good enough and I deserve to have the desires of my heart. James helped me to unlock the knowledge I already had inside me to regain control of my weight, and feel more self confident. I finally love myself for who I am. I am excited for the future and what it holds in store for me! I would encourage anyone who is struggling with their weight to reach out and allow James to help you the way he has helped me. I promise you will not regret it. 


Cheryl S. - Kaysville UT USA

We've all experienced broken moments in our lives. Sometimes such life experiences fill us with doubt, fear and pain and often leave us feeling stuck without our own consciousness as to why. James Gustason’s expertise and personalized hypnotherapy assisted me with overcoming my doubts and fears that caused a food addiction I had battled for 25 years. I am no longer a prisoner of my own mind with programming and belief systems from moments of crisis I established to survive - or what I adopted that were untrue to who I am and values I hold dear. I’m unstuck, thanks to the skill of James Gustason. I highly recommend his guided and safe hypnotherapy sessions for anyone who wants to change patterns and behaviors rooted in the subconscious that a person may not even be aware of, that hold you back from who you really are. He can help! Results may be instantaneous or take some time, as it did with me, but your life will be transformed for the better. Call James Gustason today and discover if hypnotherapy is a fit for you. It worked for me because I now eat 3 small meals a day in an 8-hour window and my A1c is a 5. I even dropped 10 pounds in a month. James is the best!

Jennifer W. - South Jordan UT USA

I worked with James regarding an autoimmune disease that I felt was my genetics simply manifesting themselves in my life. I had been told for years that I would not die from my disease, but I would die with it. I felt the strain on my body daily until James helped me begin to understand that my mind and my neurology could heal themselves and I could be whole again. Before James was working online doing zoom calls, he made me Hypnosis MP3 audios I would listen to at night and in the morning to help reprogram my subconscious mind to begin to heal my body. Miracles have happened as the symptoms of my disease have decreased over time and my blood work now shows my body is ridding itself of the disease. While James does not market himself as a healer as he will tell you himself that he is not, he does understand the body and mind at a level that allows him to help anyone who is ready for change to begin to selfheal. I recommend you meet with James today.

T. C. Salt Lake City, UTAH USA

James is as thoughtful and insightful as he is compassionate. I was inspired by him when we trained together back in 2019 because he simply grasped the concepts and seamlessly implemented new and sometimes very complicated tools. James is a good guy and I've reached out to him several times to discuss methodology. His understanding of our profession is fantastic. Thank you James!


Matt M. Phd. CHt   Raleigh, NC USA

James is an amazing colleague and friend. He is always there for me and my kids whenever we ask. He is extremely skilled in Hypnosis and has been very successful at helping me work through any difficulties I bring to him. He is always staying up-to-date on all the latest techniques in hypnotherapy and has always been open to sharing these techniques with me. I trust him with myself and my children. I am truly grateful for him. 


Teresa S. LCSW  -  Layton, UT U.S.A


James has an incredible knack at making his clients feel at ease and safe. He is extremely knowledgeable about the mind and how we can shift certain habits, behaviours and thoughts which are no longer serving us (without needing to struggle with willpower – amazing!) I have 100% faith in James, I felt so comfortable to reveal my struggles with him. He led me through an amazing experience which was so effective and changed my outlook and my behaviour from that very first session. James is so skilled and ultimately wants to help his clients on a deeper level that I have no hesitation at all in recommending him to you. I know that you are safe hands. Enjoy!

Jo L, CHt -  London, England 

While living in Argentina I had an experience which brought up some old-deep rooted fears that made it near impossible for me to sleep or even relax in the evening before attempting to go to sleep. One night, I even got out of bed more than 10 times to check to make sure the door was locked. I was referred to James for help in riding myself of the fear which had become crippling. James worked with me via Zoom. He was able to remotely help me go into hypnosis and help me process a fear I had had since I was 3 years only. The experience in Argentina only activated the deep rooted fear. Once James helped me process the trauma surrounding the fear, I immediately felt no concern any longer about the experience from my childhood or recently. I now feel a sense of comfort at night and easily fall asleep each night. I am grateful for James' help and his knowledge of how the mind works to help me be free from any irrational fears I once had.


B. G. Buenos Aires, Argentina

I came to see James for help in reducing back pain due to a degenerative disease of my lumbar vertebrae. I had a difficult time standing and an even more difficult time walking. I often needed a crutch to walk and would often need a day off of work to recuperate. My doctors wanted to have me take strong pain pills to blunt the pain however I did not want to become too dependent of them and opted to live in pain while awaiting surgery to fuse the vertebrae. I was referred to James one day by one of my employees who had heard of the work he does with pain management. I was skeptical at first however during the intake process James explained how pain works in the body as signals that can simply be ignored and that he could help me minimize my pain while awaiting surgery. When I walked into James' office I was hunched over and in quite a lot of pain but during the hypnosis session I felt the pain simply leave my body. James helped me install an "anchor" that I can use when the pain returns from time to time and it has helped me sleep better than I have in years. When I do have surgery, I am going to have James work with me to help my unconscious mind heal my body. James also made me a customized hypnosis mp3 I listen to each night. While the hypnosis and mp3 has not reversed the disease, it has stopped it's progress.

Dustin M. Layton Utah, USA

I went to James for assistance in overcoming a fear of falling. In March, of 2020 I slipped and fell on some wet pavement while at Disneyland. When I fell I twisted my ankle and broke it. Due to the pain and the fact that it happened in a public place, I unconsciously formed a fear of falling and linked it to Disneyland. Even thinking of going to the park caused me to feel uncomfortable. When I met with James, he helped me reprocess the event using hypnosis and eliminate the fear and trauma caused by my fall. I have since traveled o Disney World and felt no lasting effects from the traumatic fall I endured in March. 

Jeff F. Layton Utah, USA

I went to James for assistance  to help me improve my memory.  I am a singer and actress and found that I had been having difficulty remembering my lines from songs and for movie scripts. James produced a personalized MP3 to help me improve my recall and I was very pleased that after listening to it for less than a month, I was able to memorize and recall any information I needed. 

Natalie J. Sandy Utah, USA

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Hypnosis is a Natural State of Mind We All Drift In and Out of Every Day, Several Times per Day. Hypnotists are Certified Professionals Trained in the Healing Art and Science of Hypnosis for Self-Improvement. By Reading this Website Content, You Agree to Accept Responsibility for Your Own Experience. Authors, Creators and James Gustason and Associates, Hypnotherapists, Coaches Do Not Accept Responsibility for your Use or Interpretation of This Information.

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