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Multivitamin, Yes or No?


Do We Really Need a Multi-Vitamin?

Well that depends. If you eat all the servings of vegetables per day as recommended by the RDA you might be okay. Add in the recommended servings of fruit and you might just make it. But wait a minute, we hear that the ground is over farmed and void of the minerals needed to make them as healthy for us as they used to be, right? The RDA for vegetables is 3 servings and 2 servings for fruit. Honestly, how many people get these once a week, let alone every day?


Now we understand that we are likely not getting the vitamins and minerals in our diet alone. But why do we need them in the first place? Because they help the body perform all the necessary functions to be healthy, the answer is a resounding Yes! Let's learn more.

The human body is like a big chemistry lab; mixing different vitamins, minerals, cholesterol and other substances to create hormones, enzymes, aiding in the utilization of carbs, proteins and fats for energy and to build structure in the body. If you are lacking in any of the vitamins and minerals needed by the body, their is a good chance you are not performing optimally. This can actually lead to imbalances in the body which manifest themselves in several ways; one of those being weight gain. If your body cannot effectively burn calories, it will store them.

Knowing we need a Multi-Vitamin is only the beginning. Which one to take is the next step' which leads us to the next question, Are all vitamin brands equal? No, they are not!

Vitamins can be produced in a lab and are much cheaper than getting them from nature. It is likely you may have purchased a tub of vitamins for what seems like pennies. These vitamins are likely synthetic and while they look like vitamins structurally under a microscope, the body knows the difference and does not utilize them effectively.


Look for words “all natural” and "whole foods" in the ingredient section of the label. If those words are there you are likely getting a product that is worth the money you are paying for it.


We sell a fantastic Multivitamin called Vit-Acell. Vit-Acell comes in a liquid form from all natural sources and is very well used in the body. With all 13 essential vitamins and over 15 major, trace and ultra-trace minerals, beneficial antioxidants and other key nutraceuticals, Vit-Acell provides you with everything you need to support overall health and wellness, athletic performance, muscle growth, and recovery.

Not ready for a liquid vitamin or need something easy to travel with, we also offer an all natural Multi-Vitamin which comes in a powder form called Sports Formula 99. This amazing supplement also contains BCAA's and other Essential Amino Acids to ensure your body is getting everything it needs.

Not sure what to do? Come get a month’s supply of a multivitamin and test it out. You may notice you feel a little better every day. Maybe you sleep better at night. Perhaps you drop a few pounds. Either way, we already know that we are not eating the needed amounts of fruits and veggies every day to get what we need, so we might as well get them from a quality multivitamin.

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